Students were called for academic honesty
On September 9, 2019, the chairman of the Republican Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anti-Corruption Agency «Sanaly urpaq» Kairzhan Tokyshev met with freshmen from Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and spoke about academic honesty. He congratulated the new students on becoming students and emphasized that the main goal of the project was to instill a sense of responsibility and dedication among young people.
«In the future, the terms «corruption» and «bribery» should be completely eradicated in our society. Interests of the country should be above personal interests of every citizen. Honesty is the highest wisdom. It begins with a love of the family and leads to patriotism in the future. Therefore, our young people must be loyal to their upbringing and education in order to create a reasonable environment, avoiding such bad habits as drug addiction, homosexuality, lies, bribery and corruption. This is opposed by ethics, aesthetics and spiritual and moral education. This is what the «Sanaly urpaq» club promotes. It is also advisable to maintain cleanliness in the city and at the university, to take care of the property of society», said Kairzhan Tokyshev. He noted that in order to modernize the work of the «Sanaly urpaq» club, it is necessary to create its own units in each educational institution and to activate the work of the School of Intelligence among students it is necessary to create a «reasonable environment».
During the meeting, the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs of the University, Khayrulla Zhanbekov, presented the Code of Academic Honesty to first-year students.
The first vice-rector of the University Maktagali Bektemesov thanked Kairzhan Tokyshev and urged students to comply with the Code of Academic Honesty and create a reasonable environment at our university.

Department of public relations