27.12.2016 Ushatov Marat s defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place in Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The theme is: "Development of leadership potential of students of higher educational institutions" on specialty: 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology. The doctoral dissertation was made in Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The defense will be held in Kazakh. Scientific consultants: Absatova Marfuga - Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan Figen Eres - Doctor PhD, professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Reviewers: Baimoldaev Tursunbek Moldahanovich - Doctor of Pedagogy on specialty, professor, 13.00.01-General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy, professor, Founder LLP «Kazakh interregional center of career enhancement», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan Baimukhanbetov Bagdat Mukhtarovich - Doctor PhD, by specialty 6D010200-pedagogy and method of primary education, International Kazakh Turkish university named after K.A. Yassayi, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan Public Doctoral Dissertation Defense will be held as follows: Time and date: 11:00 on January 27, 2017 Dissertation council of Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abay, on address: 050010. Place: Lecture room 19, Tole bi Str. 31, (2-floor, 25-cabinet) Almaty.Web adress: www.kaznpu.kz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERI28Te3w6s |