Report on a trip to the University of Yuexui (China) of Abai KazNPU delegation from 18-25 May, 2019
As part of the implementation of the state program «Ruhani zhangyru» for 2018-2019, the Strategic Development Plan of Abai KazNPU for 2018-2025 and the roadmap of the faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation) by order of the rector No. 131 - J dated May 3, 2019, a delegation was sent to the University of Yuexui(PRC). The delegation included:
- Dean of the Faculty for Foreign Citizens and Pre-University Training (Foundation) G. Z. Taubayeva;
- Head of the Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens S. B. Begaliyev;
- Associate Professor at the Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens G.M. Nurakhunova;
- Head of Academic Mobility Sector of the International Cooperation Office G.S. Dzhangirova;
- 2nd year students of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sport Abdibek Tazhmina, Kenzhegaliyeva Tomiris, Galymzhanov Aidar.
During this period, the delegation of Abai KazNPU visited 2 universities: Menzu (Beijing), JUESU (Shaoxing).
On May 19, with the vocational guidance, the delegation visited Menzu University (Beijing), a meeting was held with the head of the Russian language department Che Chunying and teachers, and they discussed prospects for joint participation in international conferences and webinars.
On May 20, representatives of Abai KazNPU met Director of the Institute of Foreign Philology Ge Ge Jinling, Head of the Russian Language Department at Wu Yanqiu, and teachers at the Institute of Foreign Languages at the URESU of Shaoxing (PRC). At the round table, issues of implementation of the supplementary agreement between universities were discussed, it was decided to amend the supplementary agreement on joint activities between KazNPU and the Zhenjiang Institute of Foreign LanguagesYuexui(from May 27, 2016).
On May 21, the visiting festival «Kazakhstan united us» was held. An active career guidance work was carried out, a festive performance of teachers and students of KazNPU was organized. Chinese students showed great interest in the presentation of KazNPU, and the fiery Kazakh dances and songs left no one indifferent. The festival was held in a festive and friendly atmosphere. Souvenir gifts, books about the university were presented, all students were treated to Kazakhstani sweets. The festival ended with a friendly flash mob of Chinese and Kazakh teachers and students.
On May 22, a meeting was held with students of the faculty of foreign languages, teachers of the Russian language. At the meeting, opportunities for joint cooperation in international projects, publication of articles in foreign journals were discussed, the participants shared experience and methods of teaching Russian language as foreign language (RLAFL). Teachers of KazNPU told about the special status and history of our university, informational booklets about the work of the selection committee of KazNPU were distributed.
On May 23, a meeting with students of KazNPU, who are studying for the exchange program was held: Sambaeva Zh.K., Nurmametova RM, Firsova Yu.L., Shamsutdinova L.M. Students shared their impressions about studying in China, told about the specifics of the educational process, expressed a desire to continue their studies in University of Yuexui.
On May 24, a supplementary agreement to the Bilateral Agreement of May 25, 2016 between KazNPU and the Zhenjiang Institute of Foreign Languages was approved.

Faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation)