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Integration in the educational space of Kazakhstan: Latin alphabet and spelling




On April 10, within the framework of «Decade of science-2019» Scientific and practical center of Latin alphabet organized a training seminar «Integration in the educational space of Kazakhstan: Latin alphabet and spelling».

Integration in the modern educational space involves the identification of the key points of combining the Latin alphabet of writing and the educational content of disciplines in the preparation of a specialist. The training seminar was devoted to the main issues of the alphabet and spelling in the modern Latin alphabet and discussed ways of their implementation.

The Director of the Scientific and practical center of Latin alphabet, Fauzia Оrazbayeva opened the training seminar.The director of the Department of science Sayabek Sakhiev made a welcoming speech and on behalf of the University administration congratulated on the opening of the Scientific and practical center of the Latin alphabet.

Head of the grammar Department of the Institute of linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, doctor of philology- Orynai Gubaeva and candidate of philology,senior fellow of the Institute Zhanar Zhumabayev made scientific reports. Doctoral student of the Kazakh national women`s pedagogical University- Nazerke Zhanabayeva and senior lecturer of Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University- Roza Bakbergenova with their students Kamila Abayeva and Dulat Sultanbek conducted trainings.

Doctor of philological Sciences, Professor of Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi - Anar Salkynbai, doctor of Philology, Professor of Institute of linguisticsnamed after A. Baitursynova - Zhamal Mankeeva and candidate of philology Kuralay Kuderinova are teachers of Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University-Kalamkas Kalybaeva and candidate of philology - Nagima Ilyasova and others expressed their views in conversation.

At the end of the seminar the Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education Baltabay Abdigazyuly presented a seminar participant thanks letters.















Institute of Philology and multilingual education