25.02.2025 An expanded meeting of the Department of biology will be held March 5, 2025 at 16:30 at an enlarged meeting of the Department of Biology of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of the Abay KazNPU, a discussion of the dissertation work of Seribekkyzy Gulzinat for the Philosophy Doctor`s degree (PhD) in the "8D051 - Biological and related sciences (6D060700 - Biology)" major will be discussed at topic «Bioindicative role of representatives of the family Lumbricidae in the evalution of soils of the ecosystems Ile Alatau region».
The dissertation was carried out at Abai KazNPU. The language of defense is Kazakh.
Esimov Bolat Kabdushevich - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Abai KazNPU (Almaty, Kazakhstan); Hasan Coç - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Mugla, Turkey)
Zhaksybaev Murat Bodinovich - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Abai KazNPU, Almaty, Kazakhstan); Suleimenov Maratbek Zhaksybekuly - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, RSE on the REM «Institute of Zoology» CS of the MES of the RK, (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
Идентификатор конференции: 745 169 5601 Код доступа: t8DUuW Address: 050010, Almaty city, Kazybek bi street, 30, Building No. 1 (3rd floor, room 303).