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06.12.2024 Congratulations on the successful completion of IQAA accreditation
Dear teachers, staff and students of Abai KazNPU!
According to the results of an external assessment, the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) confirms the successful completion of accreditation of 8 educational programs for a period of 5 years: 1. 6B01901-Special pedagogy (IP); 2. 6B03111-Training of a practical psychologist; 3. 7M01908-Special pedagogy: support of children with autism spectrum disorders (IP); 4. 7M03118 - Psychology of health with the basis of psychotherapy; 5. 8D01101-Pedagogy and psychology; 6. 8D01201 - Preschool education and upbringing; 7. 8D01301- Pedagogy and method of primary education; 8. 8D01901-Special pedagogy.