«Trends and prospects of tourism development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia»
On 14-15 March, 2019, an international scientific and practical conference «Trends and prospects of tourism development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia» was held.
Organizers of the event are Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University, George Washington University, International Institute of Tourism Studies (USA), Akimat of Almatycity, Department of tourism of Almatycity
The purpose of the conference is to exchange experiences and views on the practices and trends of tourism development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, to discuss ways and prospects of cooperation between the countries of the region in the field of tourism.
The report was made by the rector of Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University Takir Balykbayev. He noted the importance of this conference and expressed his opinion on topical issues of tourism development and the training of tourist personnel. Director of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of KazNPU, Doctor of Geography, Professor Kulyash Kaymuldinova congratulated the participants of the conference on its opening and wished success.
At the plenary session Vice - rector for scientific work and international cooperation Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva, Academician of the NAS RK Aliya Beysenova, Chairman of the Tourism Industry Committee, Minyura Murzamadieva, Director of the Faculty of Magistracy of Tourism Management, George Washington University «Tourismasan Enginefor Development: Business Tourismand Wellness Tourism» YuLiang (Larry), Head of the Almaty Tourism Department Maksat Kikimov, Director of the Kazakhstan Tourist Association Rashid Shaikenov, Vice-Rector, Head of the International Relations Department of Andijan Babur University (Uzbekistan) Farhod Alimov, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Ecology and Tourism of KSMU named after Arabaev (Kyrgyzstan), Professor Temirbek Choduraev, Leading Researcher of the National Institute of the Deserted Plant and Animal Kingdom of Turkmenistan named after G. Khamrayev Sultan Weysov, associate professor of Abai KazNPU Kenenbay Mambetaliev, Professor of Baku State University (Azerbaijan) Chingiz Ismailov, Associate Professor of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Razykov, Head of the Laboratory of Tourism and Recreation Geography of KazNPU Geography Institute Kamshat Egemberdieva, Director of the State Historical, Cultural and Literary Memorial Preserve-Museum of Abay «Zhidebai-Borili» Bolat Zhunisbekov, Vice-Rector for Science and External Relations of the Academy of Tourism of Kyrgyzstan Arslanbek Chormonov.
Presentations were made by Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,Deputy General Director of Center for Remote Sensing and Terra GIS, Member of the Committee for the Development of Tourism Infrastructure of the National Gardens of Kazakhstan of the Committee for Forestry and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Expert on biodiversity and natural ecosystems of UNDP-Kazakhstan Natalia Ogar, Vice-Rector of Almaty University of Management (AlmaU) PhD Asel Aryn, Head of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Alexander Artemyev, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov Ordenbek Mazbayev, Administrator of the center of smart tourism in Almaty Erkin Ospanov.
On the second day, the Director of the faculty of magistracy of tourism management at George Washington University Dr. Liang (Larry) Yu held a master class on the theme: «Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: An International Perspective», «Tourism Education Standards and Quality: UNWTO Ted Qual Certification». In the second part, the reports of the conference participants were heard at the breakout session.
More than 123 reports of scientists, teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students from the USA, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan, were presented at the conference. The outcome of the conference was the signing of agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism training among universities of the participating countries and on the joint qualitative development of tourism in the Central Asian region.

Chair of «Geography, Ecology And Tourism»