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Bedelbai Yerasyl Abdimanapuly
Bedelbai Yerasyl Abdimanapuly
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY 04.05.1996 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education. In 2002-2014 he graduated with honors from Kazygurt secondary school of Kazygurt district of Turkestan region. 2015-2019 South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute named after Mardan Saparbayev 2022-2024 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Work experience: 2023-2024 Institute for the Development of Educational Content, history teacher.
SCIENTIFIC WORKS 1. the use of digital technologies in teaching history// the twelfth international scientific and practical conference on the cycle "actual problems of law, history and education at the present stage: theory and practice". - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abay, 2024. 2. Advantages of using project-based learning technology in teaching history at school// International scientific and practical conference "Ulus Zhuchi: history, heritage and legacy" dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Ulus Zhuchi. - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abay, 2024.
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