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Duisenbaeva Albina Kurakhbaevna
Duisenbaeva Albina Kurakhbaevna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Duisenbaeva Albina Kurakhbaevna was born on March 22, 1987, in the village of Karaturuk, Almaty region. Nationality: Kazakh. In 2004 she graduated from high school named after A. Bubentsov in the village of Aschybulak, Almaty region. In 2004, she entered the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to the specialty "050206-Religious Studies". During her studies, she actively participated in the scientific and student life of the faculty. As a student, she participated in a number of republican youth and student forums. In 2009, she entered the master`s program at KazNU named after Al-Farabi, majoring in "6M050206-Religious Studies". In 2011 she received a Master of Arts degree. In 2011, she entered doctoral studies at KazNU. Al-Farabi, majoring in "6D050206-Religious Studies". In 2015 she received a PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy). Since 2023, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of General History at the Institute of History and Law of the Abai KazNUP.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Religious and political extremism Ethnicity and confessions in the East: conflicts and interaction Domestic and foreign religious studies
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. "Zhastar arasyndagy extremismn aldyn-alu sharalary." Textbook. Publishing house "Kazakh universities". - Almaty 2018 136 pp. Co-author. Rysbekova Sh.S., Rysbekova G. 2."Dinalyk katynastar: mani men mazmuny." Vestnik KazNU Series Philosophy. No. 4. (66) 2018 59-66 pp. Co-author. Rysbekova Sh.S. 3.Dintana. Textbook/- Almaty, "Kazakh Universities" publishing house, 2018. - 425 pages, co-author N.Zh. Baytenova, [and others]. 4. "History of Tengrism in Kazakhstan" - Adam Alemi. No. 1 (83), 2020 Co-author Makhmet M. 5.Factors affecting the appearing of islamic flows and issues of islamic transmissions classification in kazakhstan. Factors affecting the appearing of islamic flows and issues of islamic transmissions classification in kazakhstan pjaee, 17 (4) (2020) co-author Mukhan Isahan et al.
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