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Yelubai Akbota
Yelubai Akbota
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Master of Arts (Architectural design). Work experience: 1 year. 2022-2023 Master`s degree, lecturer of the Department of Design. Author of more than 5 scientific articles, in Kazakh and foreign publications, etc. Advanced training: «Technology of Blended Learning», Republic of Belarus. (2021).
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Engineering graphics Computer graphics Professional computer programs
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. The use of the Kazakh national ornament as a means of architectural and artistic expression. KazNPU named after. Abaya «Bulletin», Issue 4, Series «Art Education: Art - theory - methodology», (65), ISSN 1728-8657 pp. 151-158. Co-author: Rabilova Z. 2. Artistic traditions of ancient and medieval Kazakhstan. Scientific journal «INTERNAUKA», part 3, 2021. ISSN 2687-0142 pp. 17-20. Co-author: Baurzhanova A.B. 3. Architectural and artistic forms of antiquity and the Middle Ages Scientific journal «INTERNAUKA», part 3, 2021.ISSN 2687-0142 pp. 5-8. Co-author: Baurzhanova A.B. 4. ArchiCAD new opportunities for architects and designers. KazNPU named after. Abaya, «Bulletin», Issue 1 (70), 2022. ISSN 1728-8657 pp. 90-97. Co-author: Baurzhanova A.B. 5. The special importance of the autocad program in teaching computer design to students in modern conditions. KazNPU named after. Abaya, «Bulletin», Issue 2 (71), 2022. ISSN 1728-8657 pp. 42-48. Co-author: Baurzhanova A.B.
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