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Sadykov Kanat Amirkulovich


I, Sadykov Kanat Amirkulovich, was born in 1980 in the Zhualinsky district of the Zhambyl region. I am married and have 4 children. From 1998 to 2004 I studied at the University of KazNPU named after Abai, specializing in Master of Chemistry, receiving a diploma with honors.


After master`s degree, I worked as a chemistry teacher at secondary school No. 53 in Almaty, as well as a teacher at the International Kazakh-Turkish University. K. A. Yassavi. Since 2012, I worked as a research assistant in the laboratory of ion-exchange resins and membranes, JSC Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov. From 2018 to 2021 I graduated from PhD doctoral studies at the Department of Chemistry of KazNPU named after Abai. Published 1 Scopus-based article and 1 Web of science-based article. And also several articles in journals recommended by (KKSON) by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In total, I have co-authored more than 90 scientific papers in international and republican publications, received 10 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an invention, 1 monograph. Since September 01, 2021, I have been working as teachers of the Department of Chemistry of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.



Educational institution


Graduation date

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Bachelor: Chemistry - Biology


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Master`s: Master of Chemistry


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Phd Doctorate: Chemistry



Mandatory disciplines (change to levels of training)


Chemistry of high molecular weight compounds


General chemistry


Physical chemistry


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

Study of various methods of synthesis and study of the properties of ion-exchange and road materials based on epoxyacrylates, minerals, industrial and oil waste.


1. G.E.Abdraliyeva, N.A. Bektenov, K. A. Sadykov, A.K. Baidullaeva. Sorption of Heavy Metal Ions by New Anion Exchanger Based on  aCopolymer of Glycidyl Polyethyleneimine / International  Journal  of Chemical  and  Physical  Sciences. Vol.  5,  No,-6,Nov-Dec  2016. P.42 -46. ISSN:2319-6602.ISRA Impact Factor 1.815. Cosmos Impact Factor 3.265. ISSN:2319-6602

2.N. A. Bektenov, E. E. Ergozhin, K. A. Sadykov, A. K. Baydullayeva. High potential construction  materials based  on petroleum  wastes  / News of the National  Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences.  November  -  December  2016.Volume 6,  Number  420  (2016),  P.95  -  101. Cite Score Tracker 2021= 1.8,    Q-3,  40 (%)percentile.

3. Bektenov N.A., Ergozhin E.E., Sadykov K.A.,Kalmuratova K.M., Baidullaeva A.K., Ryspaeva S.B.  Perspective complexingionites: synthesis, properties and application  / Вестник КазНИТУ.  -  2018.  -  №  3.  - С. 537-542.

4. L.K. Ybraimzhanov N.A., Bektenov, K.A. Sadykov. Synthesis of new ion exchange materials on the base of epoxyacrylates  / Известия  НАН  РК.  Серия химии  и технологии. -2020. №6. -С.15-21.

5. K.A. Sadykov, L.K.Ybraimzhanova, N.A. Bektenov, A.T. Tasmagambet, K. M. Kalmuratova. Sorption  of Chromium (VI) and Vanadium (V) Ions  by a  New  Nitrogen-Containing Anion Exchanger / "Innovation  Management  and Technology  in  the  Era  of Globalization":  Materials  of  the  VIII International  Scientific-Practical Conference. In two volumes. Volume. II - Birmingham, UK: Regional Academy of Management, 2021. - 235-239 p.


Scientific and methodological activities-subject Studies, number of publications

Scientific and pedagogical foundations for the development of an elective course "Ion exchange materials and their application". Development of effective wastewater treatment methods.

1. Н. А. Бектенов. Қ.А. Садыков, Е.Е. Ергожин. ЖОО  тыңдаушыларының ғылыми-зерттеушілік құзіреттілігін дамыту.   «Хабаршы»   Абай  атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті.  «Педагогика ғылымдары»  сериясы.  2019,  №  4 (64),. 132-136 б.

2. Е. Е. Ерғожин, Н.А. Бектенов , Қ.А. Садыков, К. М. Қалмұратова. Ионалмастырғыш полимерлерді алу әдістері / Химический  журнал  Казахстана.  № 1, 2020. -C.6-14.

3. Садыков Қ.А., Ергожин Е.Е., Бектенов Н.А., Тасмагамбет А.Т. Элективті курстар арқылы оқушылардың  химия ғылымына қызығушылықтарын арттыру / Вестник  Академии  Педагогических Наук  Казахстана  №3  (май-июнь), 2020. -C.160-167. 

4. Садыков  Қ.  А., Куралова Ж.Н., Бектенов Н.А. Элективті курс арқылы оқушылардың химиядан ғылыми зерттеушілік құзіреттіліктерін қалыптастыру / Global Science and Innovations  2020. Proceedings  -  Tashkent:  Eurasian Center  of  Innovative  Development «DARA», 2020. - P.379-381.

5. Е.Е. Ергожин, Н.А. Бектенов, К.А. Садыков. Перспективные грунто-асфальтобетоны и их свойства / Монография. Алматы: 2017. 141 с. АО «Институт химических наук им. А.Б. Бектурова»


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