28.11.2018 In KazNPU Student`s administration was created
In 2018, the Student University Administration, an organization based on the principles of student self-government was created on the initiative of the rector Takir Balykbayev.
An organization that works to make student life more vivid and colorful has gathered around itself the most active university students. It is no coincidence. President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018, proposed, as is known, to declare 2019 the Year of Youth, which caused a warm response from the students of Abai KazNPU. One of the clear manifestations of this is the organization of self-government - the Student Administration. The guys did not stand aside - it is a fact. Many wanted to be among those activists who would benefit from being in the Student Administration.
How were the elections to the student administration? From October 29 to November 19, 2018, any student at the university could offer his candidacy to be elected to this organization. As a result, from each institute applied for membership in the Student Rector for 48 active young people. In the election process, which took place on November 19, out of all 7 institutes 2260 students took part, who showed the greatest activity. They gave their votes for the candidate they nominated themselves.
In the final vote, three students from each institute entered the Student Administration. Members of the organization are elected for a year and will work directly with the rector. They are designed to solve complex issues that arise in student life, as well as participate in the discussion of proposals that are beneficial to the student community of the university.
The modern system of knowledge delivery is conducive to free thinking, openness of mind, and the all-round development of the young generation. Is this the next step for improving the society?!
Our university, which is equal to world-class leaders in the field of pedagogy, has chosen innovative areas of development, and therefore it has all the peaks to come. The student administration, which brings together active students, will contribute to the achievement of this goal. We believe that in this way it will brilliantly perform its work, which will give good results for the university.