Advanced training courses for the teaching staff of pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
From January 8 to 12, 2018, within the framework of the Winter School «Professionalism and Pedagogical Mastery», the EMA of REMS of Abai KazNPU, together with the JSC NCPD «Orleu», organized advanced training courses «Teaching under the updated content of secondary education» for the teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Courses included familiarization of the teaching staff of pedagogical universities with the peculiarities of updating the structure and content of curricula, systematization of learning objectives, effective teaching, and learning technologies, acquisition of practical skills in planning the learning process and criteria-based assessment in the framework of academic disciplines.
83 representatives from 19 regional pedagogical universities and 6 universities in Almaty took part in refresher courses.
The deputy director of the Center for Advanced Studies and Distance Learning of Abai KazNPU Alexander Semchenko gave the introductory lecture. The representatives of JSC NCPD «Orleu» Associate Professor Amangul Orakova and Senior Lecturer Tatyana Kornilova conducted the classes. Classes were held in the form of lectures, trainings and practical exercises. The knowledge of students was tested through questioning and reflection. Advanced training program - 36 hours.
At the end of the courses, the rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev solemnly presented certificates to the listeners.