О нас | ![]() Sailaubekkyzy Aliya
Sailaubekkyzy Aliya was born on December 04, 1977 in the city of Almaty. In 1995 she graduated from school №145, Bostandyk district of Almaty city. In 1995 she entered the Kazakh State National University. Al-Farabi, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, specializing in sociology. In 2000, after graduating from a bachelor`s degree, she became a master`s student at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, majoring in sociology. In Almaty in 2002 she graduated from KazNU named after al-Farabi with a master`s degree with honors in sociology. She began her career in the field of applied sociological and marketing research. From 2016 to 2017 she was an assistant at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi. In 2017, she entered the doctoral program of joint educational programs at KazNU named after I. al-Farabi and research institute on the basis of "Gylym Ordasy" in the specialty 6D020600- "Religious studies" and graduated from the program in 2020. In December 2020, she passed the pre-defense of her doctoral dissertation. On April 29, 2022, she defended her doctoral thesis with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D020600 - Religious Studies.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (Sociology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Political Science)
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. "Qualitative aspects of the formation of the religious identity of youth", Adam Alemi. Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies. No. 2 2018. - P. 106-114 2. "Religion and Identity", Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Kazakh Culture in the Global World" held within the framework of the V International Farabi Forum on April 7, 2018, С-41-44 3. "Modernization of spirituality in the context of secularism / religiosity", Adam Alemi, 2018, No. 3 (77), - pp. 96-104, No. 13395 4. "Aspects of the formation of the religious identity of young people", Vestnik Kaznu, a series of philosophy, cultural studies and political science No. 4, (66), 2018 5. "Religious identity indicators", Materials of the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi", VI International Farabi Readings, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 2-11, 2019, volume 2, C-401-405 6. "Institutional influences on the ideological identity of Kazakhstanis", Al Farabi. - 2019. - No. 3 (67). - 48-61 C 7. «Kazakhstanis perception of religion as an institution". Conference "Current state and prospects of development of religious studies", International level, Kazakhstan, KazNU, 16.11.2019-16.11.2019, C-220-224 8. "Features of the identity of Kazakhstanis in a multicultural society", SOCIS, RUSSIA, 2019, # 7, C 37-47.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1. "Modernization of spirituality in the context of religiosity", XXIV WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL CONGRESS "LEARNING TO BE HUMAN", Section 03910D, Philosophy of Values (D), Beijing China, August 2018 2. 9.3. Religion in the system of institutional values. 10.3 Values of social orientation, Collective monograph "Secularism and religion in modern Kazakhstan: modernization of spiritual and cultural meanings and strategies." Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK. - Almaty, 2020 .-- 278 p. - S. 134-138. 148-150
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