14.10.2015 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Institute of Philology Chair of the Philological specialties for foreign students INFORMATION LETTER
Dear colleagues, doctoral students, undergraduates and students!
Chair of the Philological specialties for foreign students of the Institute of Philology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai invites you to November 24, 2015 to participate in the roundtable on the theme: "Actual problems of linguistics, literature studies and linguistic didactics", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Bruleva F.G. of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. The Organizing Committee invites scientists, university professors, school teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students take part in the round table. The main directions of the round table: - Pedagogical sciences, - Philological sciences, - Multilingual education, - Methods of teaching language and literature. The working languages of the round table: Kazakh, Russian. Round table will be published in scientific papers. The terms of participation: 1. To provide the Organizing Committee before November 1, 2015 the application form and the article (up to 5 pages) - edited by a computer set a standard A4 format (text editor Word for Windows, font Times New Roman, 14 pt, line spacing - 1, field - 20 mm). Articles, application, organizational payment are accepted to: Department of philological specialties for foreign citizens, office. 217, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics KazNPU named after Abai Str. Tole bi, 86, Almaty. Also, the article and the application can be sent by e-mail: rus.kafedra@mail.ru RULES OF THE PAPERS: 1. Name of the center the (capital letters, bold, size 14). 2. Down the middle initials of the author (lowercase, bold, size 12). 3. Under the name - the name of the organization you represent, the city (lowercase, size 10). 4. Here - e-mail (italics, font size 10). 5. Margins: top and bottom, left and right - 20 mm, portrait orientation. 6. Line spacing - single. Articles decorated and not at the request received after that date will not be accepted. 7. Making a list of references on the model: 1 E.M. Vereshchagin, Kostomarov V.G. Language and Culture: lingvostranovedeniya in teaching Russian as a foreign language. - M .: Russian, 1990. - 269 p. 2 Abilgalieva M.H. Comparative analysis of somatic phraseology Kazakh and German languages: Author. ... Cand. filol. Sciences: 10.02.06. - Almaty, 1992. - 23 p. Within the text links to the sources are made as follows: [1.11], where 1 - the name of the source, the 11 - page number.
Application for participation
Registration of participants will be held on November 24, 2015 from 9:30 am to 10:00 am at the Main educational campuse, Dostyk ave., 13, aud. 413. Start of the round table: November 24, 2015 at 10.00. Contact phones of the organizing committee: Chair of the Philology specialties for foreign citizens - 8 (727) 261-65-98, Head of the Chair - Saule Bayazovna Begaliyeva - 8 (702) 777 16 04 (mobile). Executive Secretary: Dinara Alieva Asylkhanovna - mob.t. 8 (701) 726 3935. Kazabeeva Vitalya - mob.: 8 (701) 351 3449 e-mail: rus.kafedra@mail.ru