О нас | ![]() Kaziyeva Asel Negmetovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born and graduated from secondary school No. 90 in Almaty. Graduated from the faculty of Economics of the Almaty Institute of technology in 1997. The academic degree of candidate of economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.05-Economics and management of national economy was awarded by the dissertation Council of the University of international business and approved by the higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010. The experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 29 years. This includes 19 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, management, human resource management In the magistracy: methods of teaching the basics of law and Economics, Tools of modern economic science and practice
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY He is the author of more than 60 publications, 1 school address, 1 electronic School, 1 collective monograph. The development of business in the conditions of the digital economy. Journal of the University of Turan, No. 4.2020. analysis of employment and unemployment on the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. MNE RK. Committee on Statistics Economics and statistics. Ezhekvartal scientific and information magazine. No. 2/2020.P. 51-57.the problem of forming indicators of housing shortage in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The books of the Krymsky Federal University are named after V. I. Vernadsky. Economy and management. Scientific journal. NO. 1.VOL. 6. (72) 2020. P. 70-80. Modern pedagogical technologies. "No," she said.scientific and popular magazine "Science and life of Kazakhstan" No. 2(57) 2018. P. 133-135. from the idea of "Trinity of languages" to polyazic education in Kazakhstan. "I`m sorry," I said.scientific practice.conf. "Three-year education: search, problems and prospects of development" - Almaty: "Institute of advanced training of teachers in Almaty", September, 2018, pp. 87-89.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 1. The textbook "Foundations of economic theory". -Textbook.- Almaty: Book Plus, 2013. - 201 p. 2. Guidelines for independent work of students in the discipline "World economy and international economic relations". Educational and methodological Council of the AF NOU HPE "Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of trade unions" from April 15, 2020 Protocol No. 5. 16C.
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