International scientific-methodical conference «Scientific and methodological heritage of the intelligentsia «Alash»: traditions and innovations»
On 28 February 2018, as part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Scientific and Methodological Heritage of the Intellectuals «Alash»: Traditions and Innovations» was held at the initiative of chair of Theory and Methodology of the Kazakh Language of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education.
Professors of universities of Turkey: University of Gazi, University of Frat and University of Mugla Sytki Koshman, as well as representatives of a number of scientific research and higher educational institutions of the country were invited to the International Conference.
The presidium of the conference was headed by the first vice-rector of the University of Maktagali Bektemesov.
The first report of the plenary session was read by the Chief Researcher of the Institute of Literature and Art named after Mukhtar Auezov, Doctor of Philology, Professor Aigul Ismakova. Her report «Alash in science: the unity of national education and upbringing» was devoted to the review and analysis of the works of the Alash intelligentsia of the early 20th century, among which a special role belongs to the works of Ahmet Baitursynov.
Professor of the University of Mugla Sytki Koshman, doctor of philological sciences Ayan Ekrem, also spoke at the plenary session. He made a report «Mustafa Shokai and the struggle for freedom «of the Turkestan magazine».
Of great interest were the reports of Abai KazNPU representatives: doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Phausia Orazbaeva and doctor of historical sciences, professor, academician of NAS RK Mambet Koigeldiev. After the plenary session, the work of the conference continued in four sections.
At the final meeting of the conference, a resolution was adopted.

The video «Tarikhka tagzim»
Chair of Theory and methodology of the Kazakh language