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XVIII webinar of the Virtual Laboratory for Inclusive Education «Volunteering opportunities at the UN and not only!»


On March 16, 2022, the XVIII webinar of the Virtual Laboratory for Inclusive Education Professor Z.A. Movkebayeva «Volunteering opportunities in the UN and not only!» will be held online.

The event is held within the framework of the Virtual Laboratory and in accordance with the Work Plan of the Public Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States member states on training, retraining and professional development of teachers and specialists in the field of inclusive and special education.


The speakers are UN Volunteer Country Coordinator in Kazakhstan (UNV) Nikita Shabayev and National UN Volunteer, Inclusion Specialist - UNDP Kazakhstan (Global Talent Development Programme for Young Professionals with Disabilities) Madina Karsakpayeva.


Representatives of universities and non-governmental organizations, teachers of secondary schools and special schools, students and all interested individuals are invited to participate in the webinar!

Connect to the Zoom conference


Conference ID: 881 4694 5075


Access code: 633632