20.12.2021 Webinar «Publication in cited journals in the direction «pedagogy» (Education)» will be held
On December 23, 2021, within the framework of the international project «Evidence-based teacher training and organizational culture» operating at Abai KazNPU with the participation of California State University in Sacramento (USA) will host an online webinar «Publication in cited journals in education».
The organizer of the event is the Department of Science of Abai KazNPU, webinar is opened by E.A. Buribayev, Vice-Rector for Research, moderator - B.O.Sapargalieva, post-doctoral student. The main speaker of the event is A.M. Sidorkin, Dean of the College of Education, California University Sacramento (USA), project coordinator.
Teachers, staff, undergraduates, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and university scientists, interested listeners are invited.
Time - December 23, 2021 at 10:00 Almaty time. Join a Zoom meeting https://zoom.us/j/99516545081?pwd=N1FCQUgzM3R5aENGeWdlSU5GeWNCUT09
Conference ID: 995 1654 5081
Access code: 664096