О нас | ![]() Dyussembina Gulsamal Erbolovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY DYUSSEMBINA GULSAMAL ERBOLOVNA - senior lecturer at KazNPU named after Abai, doctor of philosophy (PhD). Born on August 7, 1986 in Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region. Nationality-Kazakh. Education-higher. Language skills: Kazakh-native language; Russian-fluent, English-Intermediate level; Turkish-basic Total work experience: 11years General teaching experience: 11 years E-mail: gulka_07@mail.ru Contact phone number: 8 777 468 11 33; 8 747 288 65 78. From 1993 to 2004, she studied at school № 30 in Uralsk. From 2004 to 2008, she studied at the West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov. She graduated from the West Kazakhstan State University with a degree in Philology: Kazakh language on the basis of a state grant.2008-2011 head of youth Affairs, teacher of the Kazakh language. West Kazakhstan medical College.2015-2018 Senior lecturer at the WKSU named after M. Utemisov, PhD.In 2017,WKSU named after M. Utemisov, acting head.Department of Kazakh Philology, associate Professor of WKSU named after M. Utemisov, doctor of PhD. In 2010-2012, she studied at the Utemisov state University on the basis of a state grant in the specialty "6M020500-Philology", successfully defended her master`s thesis on "The ethnolinguistic character of onomastic names in the novel of the trilogy "Ak Zhaiyk" by H.Yesenzhanov" under the guidance of Ph. D., associate Professor A. A. Niyazgaliеva. From 2012 to 2015, she studied a PhD in the specialty "6D020500 - Philology" on the basis of a state grant at the Department of General linguistics of the Abai Kazakh national University. Successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on "Axiological picture of the world in the periodical press" (based on political texts)" (2016) under the guidance of the ofscientific adviser Ph. D., Professor K.O.Esenova and the foreign scientific adviser of the PhD doctor, associate Professor Figen Guner Dilek. She studies the problems of cognitive linguistics, linguoaxiology, linguistics, media linguistics, political discourse, discourse theory, scientific and theoretical foundations of the development of the Kazakh media text in a new direction.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate courses: "Cognitive linguistics", "Stylistics of the Kazakh language", "Latynogrific Kazakh writing", "Dialectology of the Kazakh language". In a magistracy: "Language and intercultural communication", "Anthropocentric trends in linguistics", "History of linguistic teaching", " Linguistic anthropology» In doctoral studies: "Fundamentals of linguoaxilogy".
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY, SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY. In the international scientific magazine included in the company`s database Scopus, 2 articles (Pakistan, Venezuela), in the international scientific-practical conferences of domestic and foreign countries, 10 scientific articles(Kazakhstan, London, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan), in journals recommended by Committee for control in education and science MESRK - published 7 scientificarticles (Almaty, Uralsk), electronic textbook "Linguoaxiology (based on materials of Kazakh mass media)" (Almaty 2017) and the textbook "Linguoaxiology (based on materials of Kazakh press)"(Almaty, 2020) (in author`s Association). She has made presentations at international conferences and symposiums (Portugal, Turkey, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Russia, Uzbekistan, etc.) and has more than 20 certificates of professional development.
REWARDS. Winner of the named scholarship of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan named after G.Musrepov (2006) and N.A.Nazarbayev (2007) for achievements and excellent studies. Awarded a letter of Thanks from the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.Tuimebayev and the rector of the WKSU M. Utemisov T. Z. Rysbekov, winner of the scholarship of the Republican corporate Fund for excellent studies and active social activities (2008). Winner of the youth award of the regional akimat of WKR" Zhyl Uzdigi-2011 in the category"Best young leader".For the high level of work and special abilities in organizing the admission of applicants to the University in the 2019-2020 academic year, she was awarded a letter of Thanks from the rector of the University T.O.Balykbayev (2019). She was awarded the 1st degree Diploma and the badge "Best young scientist-2020» as the author of the best scientific articles at the international competition among young scientists of the CIS countries.
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