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Adenova Lyazzat Zholdaspaevna
Adenova Lyazzat Zholdaspaevna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY - Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Talgar city, May 11, 1971 - 1991-1995. O. Tansykpaev Art College, Almaty. - 1995-2000.Almaty State University named after Abai. -From 2017 to 2019 -Regional Socio-innovative University, specialty Design-6M042100, Master of Art History. - 2005-2023 senior lecturer of the Department of «Design» at the Institute of IICS, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazNPU named after Abai. - 2023-member of the Union of Ethnic Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Member of the Expert Commission on electronic textbooks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Developer of educational programs in the specialties of art.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT The list of subjects taught: Special painting, Design graphics, Decoration technology, Art weaving, Textile plastics, Technology of structural materials, Pechvorga art, Ceramics and pottery
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY The link to the journal is attached below. https://e-science.space/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/monography.pdf 1. Adenova L.Zh., Kozhgulov T.M., Atamkulov B.A., «Jewelry art» - Almaty: Kazakparat, 2017. And-III. 5000 copies. 2. Jewelry - Adenova L.Zh., Almaty city, 5000 copies, Kaznpu named after Abaya «Вестник» 2018. 3. «Jewelry art» № 2 (55), KazNPU named of Abay «Вестник», Almaty city. 4. No. 1 (58) «Improvement of educational programs in Kazakhstan taking into account global trends» KazNPU named after Abaya «Вестник», 2018. 5. «Traditional cultural heritage of Kazakhstan» Materials of the international Art forum «The Edges of the Great Steppe: art education at the present stage» for the 50th anniversary of IIKiS KazNPU named after Abai. Almaty 11.11.2019
AWARDS 1. KazNPU named after Abaya № 30 «The best educational leader» 2013. 1. KazNPU-90th anniversary, jubilee medal for contribution and development of the University № 925. 2018. 2. Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports - 50 years, jubilee medal for the contribution and development of the University № 81, 2019.
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