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The Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of MES RK launches

«Hot line» for citizens` appeals


The Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan launches hotline phones for citizens` appeals. Since a new academic year began in September for 3.6 million schoolchildren, about 400 thousand teachers, about 600 thousand students and more than 35 thousand teachers in the country, issues related to the field of education are the most urgent. By calling the hotline, Kazakhstanis will be able to inform the employees of the Committee and territorial departments about various problems. These can be issues of involving teachers in unusual functions, problems associated with school toilets, video surveillance cameras, panic buttons, other elements of security systems, dormitories, and so on.

Also, parents, teachers and simply caring people will be able to send photo and video materials about the discrepancy between the safety systems of school toilets, conditions in dormitories and the accepted requirements through the WhatsApp application to the mobile number 8-705-206-59-32. Issues related to schools will be transferred to local executive bodies, since the legislative functions of financing, construction, repair work, creating the necessary conditions, including sanitary ones, are under the jurisdiction of akimats. At the same time, all these appeals will be under the control of the Committee and its territorial departments until the final elimination of the problems.

«Nowadays, most people use smartphones with photo and video recording functions. Concerned citizens who stand up for comfortable and safe learning conditions for children, including in matters of basic amenities and security systems, are already publishing photos and videos, informing us about various violations. We take control of citizens` appeals and thank you for your activity in ensuring the safety of children. If others follow this example, informing us about the facts of inconsistencies, we will send them to the akimats, which are in charge of solving, for example, problems with video cameras or sanitary facilities in schools, and control ourselves until the issue is completely resolved», the chairman said. Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science Gulzat Kobenova.

Let us recall that since the beginning of this academic year, about 70 applications from citizens have been received by СQAES MES RK. After consideration of all appeals, the necessary measures have already been taken.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan sent letters to the akimats of a number of regions to take measures against persons who did not fulfill instructions regarding schools. We are talking about solving problems related to toilets, providing video surveillance cameras, panic buttons and other elements of security systems.



