О нас | ![]() Rakhimova Gakku Nurlanovna
I, Rakhimova Gakku Nurlanovna was born on 26.07.1984 in the village of Miyaly of the Kyzylkoginsky district of Atyrau region. In 1998, she entered the Atyrau Regional National Gymnasium for gifted children in the direction of humanitarian education, in 2001 she graduated from the gymnasium with honors. 2001 - 2006 graduated from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai with a degree in Law with honors. In 2009, she was hired at this university as a young specialist. The experience of scientific and pedagogical work in higher educational institutions is 12 years. I have more than 60 scientific publications in English, Kazakh and Russian, including in publications recommended by the authorized body of the RCSON RK - 10, in scientific journals with a non-zero impact factor according to the Scopus information base - 3, textbooks - 2, foreign articles - 5, scientific papers published in the Republic of Kazakhstan - 36. Index - Hirsch-2. 2016-2019. Member of the Republican Olympic Commission among schoolchildren, which is held on the basis of KazNPU named after Abai; 2017-2020 Member of the Republican Commission on Scientific projects among students of higher educational institutions in the specialty "Fundamentals of Law and Economics"; two thousand twenty one Chairman of the Republican Olympiad among schoolchildren of Almaty on the subject "Fundamentals of law"; Under the scientific guidance of G. N. Rakhimova, more than 20 students took part in international conferences. Of these, 3 students of the specialty "Fundamentals of Law and Economics" received diplomas of 1 and 2 degrees on the republican scientific project.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: 1. Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. Family law 4. Labor law 5. Criminal enforcement law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 6. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship.
SCIENTIFICACTIVITY- Research topics: 1. Preparation of procedural documents in criminal proceedings",. - Textbook. - Almaty: D. A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy, Radit Publishing House, 2019. -172 P. 2. "Forensic modeling and digitalization in the investigative process " / textbook. - Almaty: D. A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy, Radit Publishing House, 2019.-2010 p. 3. Innovation of Structuring the Criminal Policy as Independent Section of the New Conception of Legal Policy of The Republic of Kazakhstan Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issuesthis link is disabled, 2021, 24(5), стр. 1-124. (Scopus) 4. Ensuring social guarantees and human rights for the implementation of the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilitathis link is disabled, 2020, 1, стр. 315-335 (Scopus) 5. The welfare state in kazakhstan: Development based on international experience and international standards Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economicsthis link is disabled, 2018, 9(6), стр. 2108-2118 (Scopus)
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Number of publications (5 significant) 1. Preparation of procedural documents in criminal proceedings",. - Textbook. - Almaty: D. A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy, Radit Publishing House, 2019. -172 P. 2. "Forensic modeling and digitalization in the investigative process " / textbook. - Almaty: D. A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy, Radit Publishing House, 2019.-2010 p. 3. Author and compiler of educational programs: 5b011500 - Fundamentals of Law and Economics, 6M011500 - Fundamentals of Law and Economics, 6M014-Training of teachers with subject specifics of general development (fundamentals of law and economics), 6M014-Training of teachers with subject specifics of general development (fundamentals of law and economics); 4. CRIMINAL law and issues of principles Al-FARABI Kazakh National University Law Series, SSN 1563-0366; eISSN 2617-8362index 75882; 25882 No1 (93) Almaty "Kazakh University" 2020 p.150-160 AWARDS In 2018, she was awarded the jubilee medal "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay" for her contribution to the development of the university. 2019. She was awarded the diploma of the Minister of Education and Science "The best scientific supervisor" for the best work of students of the Republican scientific project.
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