Festival «Abai alemy» Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai held annual national student festival «Abai alemy.» It was attended by 80 students from different universities of the country. The main task - to learn deeply Abai. Now a lot of research about Abai. If the idea of Nazarbayev N.A «Intelligent Nation - 2020» should be on the basis of knowledge of Abai , that requires a deep knowledge of the youth students. Our goal this festival - to bring in students studying world Abai. We must exalt Abai like Germans Goethe, Chinese Confucius. To this end, we have opened a research center «Abaitanu» and 5 years as already introduced in the educational process discipline «Abai». Abai opened a school in order to promote fine words bard we carry out the action «Abai aitady» In Ili Pedagogical University China and Turkey opened Abai centers where together with scientists from these universities conduct research heritage Abai. Components of the treaty with Hungary and Poland on the opening scientific «Abai Center.» This is the third festival «Abai alemy.» Seeing the number of participants, we understand that the increased interest in the festival. Dear judges represented Tursynzhan Shapai, Ramazan Stamgaziyev, Yerzhan Smagululy, Bekbosynov Marat objectively assessed each participant for such competitions as «Songs of Abai», «Words of edification». Results of competition «Poems Abai». Grand Prix of Zulpykharov Yerkasym - International student Kazakh-Turkish University named after A.Yassavi; I place Kapalov Yerlan - student Taraz State Pedagogical Institute; II place Turagaldy Gulnar - student of the Kazakh State Womens Pedagogical University; Third place Zhysіpbekova Umida - Student South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov. Results of competition «Words of edification»: Grand prix of Ainabekova Nazerke - student TarSU named after M.Dulatov; I place Orynbassar Aigerіm - a student of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov; II place Abdіmutalіp Tumar - student KazNPU namad after Abai; III place Kadіrkhanova Sandugash - student of the Kazakh State Womens Pedagogical University. The results of «Songs of Abai»: Grand prix of Koshpenbet Madi - student Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov; I place Nagymbayev Tіlekbai - student international Kazakh-Turkish University named after A.Yassavi; II place quintet KazNPU named after Abai; III place Turganbai Madi and Shayakhmet Yakhya -Kazakh Economic University named after T.Ryskulov. The winners were awarded with certificates and prizes.