24.06.2021 The Virtual Laboratory for Inclusive Education will host the next webinar
The Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education operates under the Resource Advisory Centre on Inclusive Education for HEIs in the country, established by the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education of the MES RK in 2015, to disseminate effective experiences in inclusive education. in 2015.
On June 25, 2021, at 16.00 the next webinar of the laboratory on the theme «Automated system of psychological and pedagogical monitoring «HR+» is scheduled. The event will be held online via ZOOM.
The speaker is Rashit Belgibaev, head of project «Vocational guidance and headhunting ecosystem».
Heads and employees of schools, teachers of colleges and universities, psychologists, defectologists and all interested persons are invited to take part in this webinar!
Connect to the Zoom conference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89008253926?pwd=UjhxZGhabDdsL0lDK2FKbHhhenlsZz09
Conference ID: 890 0825 3926
Access code: 490437