13.04.2021 Online round table «Adaldyk Alany»
On April 14, 2021, in order to prevent corruption, an online round table «Adaldyk Alany» will be held.
The meeting will be attended by Chairman of the Board Rector of «Abai KazNPU» Takir Balykbaev, Commissioner for ethics and prevention of corruption risks Serikbay Nurgisaev, Head of the Republican Project Office «Sanaly urpaq» Kairzhan Tokushev, member of the National Public Council under the President of Kazakhstan, Head of the Project Office «Almaty adaldyk alany» Ainur Sabitova.
Location: main academic building of Abai KazNPU, 320 room (Dostyk 13)
Time: 11.00 a.m.
ZOOM platform
ID number: 980 8825 7624
Passwords: 512 479
Organisers: Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, Parasat Centre