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Dear students and teachers!


We are pleased to inform you about the official opening of applications for the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic for study, research, teaching, and artistic stays during the academic year 2021/2022.

Establishment of the National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD Students, University Teachers and Researchers was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic is available to undergraduate and doctoral students, as well as university professors and researchers.

The deadline to apply for a scholarship - 30.04.2021 untill 16:00 CET (Almaty time untill 19:00)

The next scholarship application deadline - 10/31/2021 for studying during the summer semester, 2021/2022


Apply and find detailed information about the program at:

For more information, contact the Department of International Cooperation at 8 727 291 36 92