Open event "Magistrant Today"
On 5 December, 2017 at the Institute Pedagogy an Psychology was held the open event "Magistrant Today", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of our university. It continued the tradition of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology to hold annual events with the participation of undergraduates. its goal was the formation of careful attitudes among students and respect for our university traditions.
This event was prepared and conducted under the guidance of Professor Natalia Khan. The organizers of the event were undergraduates - leaders of different specialties. A director was the 1st year course undergraduate of the specialty "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction" - Gulzhan Zhumagali. A totally 120 undergraduates took part in the preparation of the event.
In preparation for the reporting event, everyone tried to do their work in good faith and creatively. In particular, undergraduates shot short films and historical video clips. All participants were able to fully demonstrate their erudition and creativity, as well as apply the knowledge gained in this semester. As a result, the holiday "Magistrant Today" was held at a high level.

Moldir Nurzhaubayeva