26.02.2021 The XII International Conference «Kazakhstan in the World Education Space» will be held
On April 7, 2021 at 14.00 in the framework of the decade of science of Abai KazNPU, departement of philological specialties for foreign citizens will hold XII International Online Conference «Kazakhstan in the world education space. Teleconference «We are united by the Russian language» with Kazakh and foreign partner universities will take place during the event.
Link to the conference: Abai KazNPU invites you to the planned conference.
Platform: Zoom.
Time: 7 April 2021, 14:00, Astana - Dhaka
Connect to the Zoom conference https://zoom.us/j/92389769672?pwd=NkVKNDFRNlNNUnRJYmN3dHV5UEJnUT09
Conference ID: 923 8976 9672
Access code: 609035