19.10.2020 Providing compensatory, auxiliary and technical means for persons (children) with disabilities
In order to disseminate good practices of inclusive education in Resource and Advisory centre on inclusive education for universities of Kazakhstan, created DVPO MES from 05.06.2015 year, operates a Virtual laboratory for inclusive education.
On October 21, 2020, it is planned to hold the ninth webinar of The virtual laboratory online via ZOOM on the topic: "Providing compensatory, auxiliary and technical means for persons (children) with disabilities".
Speaker: well-known Kazakh scientist and organizer of the modern special education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, General Director of satr LLP, Professor Roza Suleimenova, first doctor of correctional pedagogy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, initiator and author Of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On social and medico-pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities".
The webinar will present the classification of technical means, consider problems and ways to improve the software system, and demonstrate modern technical means. Attention will be paid to the organization of a spatially developing environment for preschool and primary school children. Managers and employees of preschool and school organizations, teachers of colleges and universities are invited to participate in the webinar
Link to the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81740406773?pwd=RjVFdFB5Wk5TcFRBWHV6WmkreW1Ldz09
The conference ID:817 4040 6773
Password: 043838