06.11.2023 Meeting of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Natural History and Geography
Last week a meeting of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Natural History and Geography was held. The event was attended by students, developers of educational programs in the areas of "Geography", "Biology" and "Chemistry".
On the first question "About introduction and updating of educational programmes of the Institute of Natural History and Geography" the chairman of the Academic Committee, senior lecturer A.N.Beikitova made a speech, who told about the educational programs of Bachelor`s, Master`s and PhD programs of the Institute, their accreditations and ratings.
T.O.Uvaliev, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Ecology, spoke on the second question, he told about the peculiarities of the content and structure of academic disciplines of the educational program "6B01516-Geography-History".
On the third question the professor of department of geography and ecology Sh.Sh.Karbayeva made a speech, who acquainted with the syllabus and curriculum of discipline "General geology" of innovative educational program "6B01515-Geography", made on the basis of Finnish education.
On the fourth question the director of Talgar district private boarding lyceum No.1 D.N.Badalova and the director of Institute of Natural Science and Geography K.D.Kaymuldinova signed a memorandum on bilateral cooperation, a branch of the department of geography and ecology was opened in the lyceum.
On the fifth question the teacher of geography of school-gymnasium No.13 in Almaty N.U.Shopshekbayeva held a workshop for the students of the 2nd year of speciality "6B01516-Geography-History" on the topic "Effective methods and techniques to improve functional literacy". N.U.Shopshekbaeva held a workshop for the 2nd year students of speciality "6В01516-Geography-History" on "Effective methods and techniques to improve functional literacy of students in geography lessons". Members of the Academic Committee were present, as well as teachers of the departments of "Geography and Ecology", "Biology", "Chemistry".
At the meeting of the Academic Committee several proposals for improving the quality of educational programs were voiced.