"Menin Otanym - Kazakstan" competition among Almaty schools
On October 28, 2023, the 2nd round of the city competition "Menin Otanym - Kazakstan" was held at the Department of Music Education and Choreography of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports within the framework of cooperation between our university and schools of Almaty. This event was timed to the celebration of the Republic Day and organized by the City Scientific and Methodological Center for New Technologies of the Department of Education of Almaty and secondary schools. The students took part in the competition in two categories: "Playing an instrument" and "Choir".
The chairman of the jury was the head of the Department of Music Education and Choreography Zhanbolat Kosherbayev. The jury consisted of teaching staff of the department: Acting Professor Laura Kakimova, Acting Professor Kamarsulu Ibraeva, Associate Professor Aliya Mombek, senior lecturer, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, artistic director, conductor of the student orchestra Samat Malimbai, teacher, artistic director of the student choir Nurzhan Kasimov, Associate Professor Aliya Umurzakova, as well as methodologist of the Department of Education G. Almaty Svetlana Shapkina, music teacher of Gymnasium No. 176, Chairman of the Almaty Teachers` Association Zheniskul Makhanbetova, music teacher of Gymnasium No. 81, artistic director, conductor of the Murager Orchestra and 1995 graduate of Abai KazNPU Samen Izkenov.
The choral group "Ainalain" of gymnasium No. 138 of the Bostandyk district under the guidance of music teacher Gulnara Nigmatullina performed very brightly. The song "Armysyn, tuGan Zher" by Rinat Gaisin performed by children impressed all members of the jury, they unanimously awarded this number the Grand Prix. The work of the Kazakh contemporary composer was performed with all the elements of vocal and choral work: singing in two voices, ensemble and chorus structure, artistic piercing, smooth vocalization.
The first place in this nomination was taken by two choirs - the choral collective "Zhuldyzdar" of the gymnasium school No. 148 of the Zhetysu district (artistic director Karlygash Tulegenova) and the choir "Shabyt" of school No. 175 "Zhana Gasyr" of the Auezov district (artistic director Gulzaman Amirova). The second place was also shared by the choral groups "Bolashak" of school No. 128 of Almaly district (artistic director Saule Ibekeyeva) and "Zhas kyrandar" of gymnasium No. 188 of Nauryzbay district (artistic director Bakhyt Kursabayeva).
The third place went to the choral collectives "Ulandar" of the lyceum school No. 163 of the Alatau district (artistic director Aspira Zholdas), "Alau" of the gymnasium No. 53 of the Medeu district (artistic director Ainur Abdymomunova) and the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Leader of the XXI century" of the school No. 170 of the Turksib district (artistic director Marat Oralkhanov).
In the nomination "Playing an instrument", orchestral ensembles performed in various compositions, performed on various national musical instruments: Kazakh, Uighur. Thus, the Grand Prix was awarded to the Telkonyr ensemble of school No. 180 of the Alatau district (artistic director Farida Kuzbayeva).
The first place was taken by the collectives "Zhas Tolkyn" of gymnasium No. 200 of Nauryzbay district (artistic director Akmaral Salkynbekova) and "Kausar" of gymnasium No. 110 of Zhetysu district (artistic director Zhanar Zholymbetova). The second place went to the ensemble "BIL" of the specialized educational innovation lyceum of Auezovsky district (artistic director Alua Zhusupova) and the ensemble "Konil Sazy" of Lyceum No. 24 of Almaly district (artistic director Aigul Akhmetova).
The third place was divided between the ensembles of "Farabi sazy" gymnasium No. 145 of Bostandyk district (artistic director Ainagul Sapakh), "Guncha" gymnasium No. 89 of Turksib district (artistic director Abdurashit Barayev) and "Daryn" gymnasium No. 33 of Medeu district.
At the end of the competition, activists and mentors of the competition were awarded with letters of thanks on behalf of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNPU named after Abai Bolat Tlep: Acting Director of the Almaty Department of Education Asset Mukhanbetov, methodologist Svetlana Shapkina, music teachers Zheniskul Makhanbetova, Samen Izkenov, Ainur Abdymomunova and others.