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On the organization of the educational process in 2020/2021 school year


In order to implement preventive measures to get (spread) coronavirus infection in the territory of Abai KazNPU will be organized educational process in 2020/2021 academic year, from September 1 to December 31, 2020 in the format of distance learning - purposefully organized and coordinated in time and space process of interaction of teachers and students among themselves and with the means of education with the use of pedagogical, as well as information and telecommunication technologies and distance learning with the possibility of distance learning.

Transfer the educational process of the autumn semester of 2020/2021 academic year for students (1-5 courses) to the distance learning format in the following areas of education:


Full distance learning:
-Pedagogical sciences;
-Languages and literature;
-Social sciences, journalism and information;
-Business, management and law;
-Information and communication technologies;
-Services (except transport services).


On a format of distance learning with the possibility of partial training on campus (blended learning) to translate the direction Art, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics:


- 01.09 - 29.11.2020 - lectures and practical classes in the format of DLT;
- 30.11 - 12.12.2020 - laboratory/studio lessons of 2-4 (5) full-time courses with EMS taken into account; the lessons should be organized in modular format;

- 05.10.2020 г. - students of 2-4 courses of specialty 5В040900-Choreography are transferred to the format of distance (mixed) education (3 days online, 3 days offline (at the university));


The 1st year undergraduates:

07.09-12.09.2020 Orientation week - students will acquire a login and password, register in the system "Univer", get acquainted with the credit technology of education, work with the digital library, various DLT platforms, will form the IC, etc. Beginning of classes - 14.09.2020.


The 1st year Doctoral students are studying in full-time mode, beginning of lessons - 01.09.2020.


When scheduling full-time training, 50% of the audience occupancy is taken into account, taking into account the social distance of 1 person per square meter.


Teachers over 65 years of age and persons registered with a medical dispensary should not be involved in classroom training in educational buildings.


Teachers who have problems with technical equipment (lack of computer, laptop, Internet, etc.), conduct classes in computer rooms of the university.