24.04.2023 Abai University participated in the international exhibition "Education and Profession" in Uzbekistan
During the trip to Uzbekistan we visited schools in Kibray district of Tashkent region, Zarafshan city, Tamdyn and Kenimekh districts of Navoi region, Khozheli and Muynak districts of Karakalpakstan, where a large number of Kazakh diaspora members study. During the meeting with Kazakh school graduates, representatives of our university reported on scholarship and quota programmes of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Kazakhstan for "kandas", explained step by step the registration and passing of the UNT, presented educational programmes of Abai KazNPU.
There were also a number of meetings with the Minister of Public Education of Karakalpakstan, Akhmet Narymbetov, where the scholarship and quota programs of the Kazakh government for "qandas" were explained in detail and a request to inform all graduates of Kazakh schools of the region was expressed. At a meeting with Myrzamurat Zhumamuratov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Ajiniyaz Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, further mutually beneficial cooperation and prospects for the development of dual degree programmes were discussed.