21.04.2023 Abai KazNPU students took part in an interdisciplinary online class
On April 19, 2023, at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University the second international practical lesson-battle "There are no borders for friendship" was held, in which second-year students (DET) of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" of Abai KazNPU, schoolchildren of the Presidential School in Khiva and 1 school in the village of Tashlak, Fergana region, students of Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan).
The joint lesson was held as part of the marathon of international online classes, which is held during the academic year. The participants prepared presentations, spoke about Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, read poems and sang songs, traditions and customs, national food and games were of particular interest. An interdisciplinary approach to teaching contributed to the integration of the psychology of critical thinking and language disciplines.
The organizers of the class are Saule Issaliyeva, Master of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" Abai KazNPU and Ekaterina Fedosenko, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, teacher of the Russian language of the FSBSI Center of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education.