О нас | ![]() Zhunys Maira
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Was Born, graduated from school in Kozhakent village of Kyzylorda region, University and postgraduate studies, doctoral studies in Almaty. She defended her PhD thesis on the cipher 10.02.06-Turkic languages. Worked in Almaty At the social and humanitarian Institute "Daryn": associate Professor, head of the academic Department, head of the Department and the Kazakh state women`s pedagogical University: senior researcher, Professor of the University. Now a University Professor of KazNPU named afterAbaya Abaya (Professor of KazNPU named after Abaya, order #521-railway from 02.07.2018). Brother, two sisters graduated from this University of KazPI. Combines scientific and teaching activities. More than 115 published works. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate courses: Historical grammar of the Kazakh language, Theory of linguistic terms Magistracy: New directions of linguistics/literary studies, Psycholinguistics, Social linguistics and communication Doctoral program: supervisor of 1 doctoral student
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY-research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) - Kashkari Studies in Kazakhstan (linguistic aspect) connection between new directions of linguistics. More than 80 scientific publications, including 3 monographs: (1. " Til tarikhy: its categories (M. Acharity ssdg boiynsha, H.). Karagandy "Medet Group" JSC. 2016. 204 b. (3-asylym); 2. "Asistenta agaritine (linguistically aspect). Almaty: "Rose" baspasy. -2017. -216 b., 3. To study Kashgary in Kazakhstan (linguistic aspect) Almaty: "Roza" publishing house. -2017. - 124p.) 9 articles published in journals with the Scopus index and the impact factor (The concept of Litigation in folklore and written literature. Opción, Año 36, Regular No.91 (2020): 718-733 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385) 11 articles published in international scientific journals Myung-foreign conferences (Ulttyk Dniestria "our" SSN semantically and arylamide mn, Sexton, K. Samarand. Eurasin Conference /Language &Social Sciences. -2019. -P. 431-438). 23 articles published in magazines for the Committee of MES RK
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). textbook and manuals for University students: 1-electronic textbook: "Gulpy til BLM" (Geary excellent orindary studenterna aralen). Electrode ouly. Ispring Suite 7. Jalpa Clem 471 MB. 2015 471 MB. Kuk No. 941 IP 001647 21.05.2015. 1uchebnik: "Kazirgi Kazak tili". Almaty: "Daryn" baspasy. - 2008. - 274b. 12 tutorials: Anthropocentric trends in Kazakh linguistics (in English). Rums /Tutorial. Almaty: Almaty: «Roza» publishing house. 2017. 100 p.
AWARDS 1. Winner of the state grant "Best University teacher-2016". 26.12.2016 2. Winner of the state award "Best specialist in education" 11.03.2019
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