31.03.2023 Celebration of Nauryz at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
On March 29, 2023 at the department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay the students of the 3rd year of the speciality "6B01101" under the guidance of adviser Suleyman Samal within the framework of national education of youth conducted festive event " Armysyn, Az Nauryz!" ("Hello, Nauryz!").
The students danced in Kazakh, asked questions about the names of our national traditions, presented nauryz kozhe, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor - Baimoldaev Tursynbek Moldakhanovich made his way from aksakal to young men in our traditions,covered the 2nd year doctoral student Kurmangazy Erkinovich with a cape to reach the aksakal along the way, blessed the young people and summed up the event.