11.06.2020 The Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education continues to provide webinars
In order to disseminate the effective experience of inclusive education, the Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education is functioning at the Resource Advisory center for inclusive education for higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, established by Higher, Post-Graduate Education and International Cooperation Department of MES RK dated 05.06.2015. As part of its activities, online webinars are regularly held with the participation of leading domestic and foreign specialists. At webinars the best theoretical and practical experience of inclusion of people with special needs in the educational process is presented.
On 17 June 2020 at 3 p.m. it is planned to hold another webinar through ZOOM on «Methodological support of inclusive education». The target group is teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and university students, administration and teachers of preschool, secondary, technical and vocational education organizations.
Speaker - Ismagulova Svetlana Kuzhakovna, Head of the Center for the Development of Inclusive Education of National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin.
Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/ 813 8296 3366.
Identifier (password): 828338
We invite all interested persons to participate in these workshops as speakers and listeners!