EP «6B01402/7M01402-Music Education» and «6B02109-Choreography» pass IAAR accreditation
At Abai KazNPU for the first time after the pandemic at the Department of «Music Education and Choreography» Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports from December 7 to 9, 2022 held accreditation of external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) , the purpose of which is to conduct rating research for quality assurance of educational services on the basis of international accreditation of educational programs in the context of bachelor degree «6B01402-Music Education», «6B02109-Choreography» and master degree «7M01402-Music Education».
The special commission got acquainted with pedagogical and creative activity of the teaching staff and students with the visit of classes, also the meeting with representatives of bases of practice and employers was held.
Both lecturers, students, undergraduates and graduates took part in the interviews and questionnaires. The key to the successful implementation in the educational process of the above-mentioned educational programs were achievements of teaching staff, students and undergraduates of the department, which were reflected in the final report of the visit of the external expert commission, prepared by teachers of the department Svetlana Balagazova, Kamarsulu Ibraeva, Talant Kyshbayev under the guidance of the head of department Zhanbolat Kosherbayev.