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International competition «Is distance learning effective?»

PMPE Department of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology holds an international competition of creative works of students «Is distance learning Effective?» in correspondence format.

The purpose of the competition is to debunk the myths about distance learning, which has only disadvantages, and show the pros and opportunities of this type of work with students.

On April 20, 2020, the jury members will announce the winners of the contest in the categories «Distance learning is cool!», «Distance learning - a new kind of party», «Distance learning - quality education».

The organizer of the competition - senior teacher Ryabova E. V.


Competition program





30 March, 13 April

Announcement of the competition (re-announcement of the competition)


30 March - 18 April

Collection of competition materials


18 -19 April


Evaluation of competition materials by the jury, determination of winners in the categories


April 20

Presentation of the competition winners on the Univer portal



1. Baimbetova G. A.-head of research, research and innovation Department of Abai KazNPU.

2. Mazhinov B. M.- Deputy Director of the IPP for research and international relations.

3. Zhumabayeva A. E. - Professor, head of Department of PMPE

4. Amirova A. S.- Professor of PMPE Department

5. Uaysova G. I.- Professor of the Department of PMPE

6. The Abdykadyrov A. O. - senior lecturer of the Department of PMPE