О нас | ![]() Bekbayeva Zeynep Nusipovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Bekbayeva Zeynep Nusipovna graduated with honors from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University with a degree in Defectology, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer. In 2008, she defended her PhD thesis on the specialty 13.00.08-theory and methodology of Professional Education. More than 60 scientific articles have been published, including: 1 article in foreign publications included in the impact factor (Scopus) database, 5 textbooks, two textbooks published in recent years (Social Psychology-2016; Management psychology - 2018), standard programs in the specialty 5b010500-Defectology have been published. Zeynep Nusupovna constantly improves her professional skills: we can mention courses organized by" Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", the Center for pedagogical skills," Orleu " and advanced training courses for teachers. For his high responsibility for work and achievements, she was repeatedly awarded with university diplomas, a badge dedicated to the 90th anniversary. She also takes an active part in the public works of the University, Institute and Department: a member of the working group of specialists involved in the inspection of educational institutions of the committee for control in the field of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; a member of the state Attestation Commission in the specialty 5b010500-Defectology; responsible for educational and methodological work at the Department. Also an adviser, head of Education.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by levels of training) 1. methods of teaching special disciplines at the University (in the master`s program) Bachelor`s degree 1. Special pedagogy 2. inclusive education 3. fundamentals of Social Pedagogy and psychology 4. criterion-based evaluation technology 5. socio-psychological support for children with hearing loss 6. socio-psychological support for visually impaired children 7. socialization of Persons with hearing loss 8. socialization of Persons with visual impairment 9. psychophysical features of children with complex malformations 10. special preschool pedagogy
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones)
1.О профессиональной компетентности бакалавра специального образования БГУ жарчысы Вестник БГУ №4(30) 2014 г., 183-185 с.с. 2. Pedagogy, psychology and technologies of inclusive education. International scientific and pedagogical Journal Search Humanities series №2/2014 ж., 250-256 б.б. 3. Education Quality in Kazakhstan in The Context of Competence-Based Approach International Journal of Environmental & Science Education (Turkey), - стр.3423-3435. 0,326 ISSN 1306-3065. 4. The ways of forming sound pronunciation skills for children with hearing impairment //Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, Хабаршы, «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы №4(43), 2016 ж, 64-65б. 5. Psychological components of happiness and creativity /Материалы международного конгресса психолога, 28 июля - 1 августа 2018 г., город Иокохама (Япония)
SCIENTIFIC and METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES -research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) 1. influence of parents on the development of the motivational sphere of a child with speech disorders methodical Journal IV International School of Journalism and communication "Information and certificate population in the era of digital civilization: investment in young people" S. Bosteri, Kyrgyzstan, August 9-11, 2016, Almaty "Kazakh university", 2017, STR 46-52 2.the role of socialization in personal development / international scientific and Practical Conference "new scientific achievements". March 15-22, 2019, Sofia (Bulgaria), 90-94 STR. 3. Social Psychology. Training manual. Almaty "Kazakh university", 2015, Page 475 4. management psychology. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018. - 452 P. 5.features of the activity of a social teacher in the selection and implementation of social and pedagogical technologies. / Material of the XII International Scientific and practical conference. Prague, January 22-30, 2020, 72-74str.
Awards «Jubilee Medal "90 years of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University", 13.12.2018
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