Abai University held a series of training sessions under the KAZDUAL project, ERASMUS+ program
On September 14,15,16, 2022 were conducted series of trainings «Dual program implementation» for teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and partners-employers. Abai University project team within the framework of KazDual project - «Implementing Dual System in Kazakhstan» (project number: EU 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, project duration: 15.01.2021-14.01.2024) under the Erasmus+ program organized trainings in different formats.
On September, 14 there was a meeting of the project team with the pilot group of dual education - the 1st year students of the EP 6B01303-Basic education with ICT. Students get acquainted with the principles of dual education, discussed the tripartite agreement, passed the introductory test. Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Galiya Abayeva talked about the rules of dual training. Head of the Department of Elementary Education Professor Aziya Zhumabayeva - talked about work plan of the school for the 2022-2023 academic year.
On September, 15 there was a training for teachers and doctoral students of all university institutes. Yermek Buribayev, Vice-rector for research activities of Abai University, the project manager, talked about the plans and interim results of the project. The participants of the project shared their experience in innovations in the organization of dual education. Bayan Sapargaliyeva, PhD, postdoctoral resarcher, introduced the KAZDUAL project «Implementing Dual System in Kazakhstan».
Galiya Abayeva, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Ass. Prof., gave the characteristics of the flexible model of dual higher and professional education. She acquainted the students with conceptual and legal base of the dual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Assel Akpayeva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Ass. Prof. of Primary Education Department, introduced the participants of the training with the research of employers` positions to the dual education system implementation.
Samal Serikova, PhD, postdoctoral researcher shared the innovative experience of European partners of the project on curriculum development. She disclosed the methods of curriculum development.
Aiman Berikkhanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor-researcher, revealed the pedagogical approaches to motivating students to active learning activities.
On September 16 there was a business-brunch on the implementing dual system in Kazakhstan: the best practices, innovations and prospects for stakeholders: employers, teachers, undergraduates and graduate students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. During the business-brunch many questions were asked about the European experience of dual training, about the difficulties of implementing the principles of dual training in higher pedagogical education. Opinions were expressed about the prospects of implementation, the importance of anticipatory work with students and employers. Such a lively discussion proved the relevance of dual education at the university and in Kazakhstan.