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Moshkalov Altynbek Koshkarbaiuly
Moshkalov Altynbek Koshkarbaiuly
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Moshkalov A. K. was born in 1984. From 2001y. to 2005y. he studied at the Shymkent socio-pedagogical University, majoring in Physics and computer science. In 2005-2007 y. he graduated from KazNPU named after Abai with a master`s degree in computer Science. 2010y. to 2013y. he completed his doctorate in "6D010300-Pedagogy and psychology". On September 26, 2013y. A. K. Moshkalov defended his doctoral dissertation. Since the 2008-2009 academic year, he has been working as a acting associate professor of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of education at the Institute of mathematics, physics and Informatics. The field of scientific research is information and communication technologies, personality, and creative development of the individual. Author of more than 25 scientific papers, participated in international and national scientific conferences, scientific internships, special courses abroad. Of these, 8 papers were published in journals of international databases (Scopus, Web of Science). The H-Index - 1.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Architecture of computer systems, basics of information systems, administration of information systems, educational robotics and mechatronics, digital technologies in education
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications : information and communication technologies, personality, creative development of the individual. Author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 12 published in journals of international databases (Scopus, Web of Science), 1 monograph. The H-Index - 2.1. Ways to improve the information culture of students.- Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (8s)-ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (scopus) 3. The content-structure model of students` artistic self-development through the use of information and communications technology-Astra SalvensisVolume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 363-383 4. Электронды оқулық білім сапасын арттырудың тиімді құралы ретінде- Қазақстан жоғары мектебі. -2/2019 ж. Б.272-275 5. Білімді ақпараттандыру жағдайында болашақ мұғалімдерді цифрлық технологияларды қолдануға дайындаудың теориялық ерекшеліктері- ХАБАРШЫ «Физика-математика ғылымдары» сериясы №1(65), 2019 ж.-Алматы.-Б.317-321
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