22.08.2022 The Science and Higher Education Forum was successful
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized 30 panel sessions on «Development of 30 educational programs in pedagogical profile in the Republic of Kazakhstan» within the annual meeting in August 18-19, 2022 in online format, dedicated to the forum of science and higher education «Human capital - the main resource of Kazakhstan development».
Abai KazNPU is a leader in the development of 11 educational programs within the joint project of the World Bank, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Government of Kazakhstan «Strengthening Pedagogical Capacity».
Within the frameworks of this forum, with active participation of teaching staff from 50 higher educational institutions and 376 employers, the Department of Educational Program Development of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University organised sessions on development of 11 new educational programs of higher pedagogical education. They were held on August 18 - on four EPs: «Geography» (52 participants), «Mathematics» (37), «Informatics» (46), «Labour and basics of entrepreneurship» (12); August 19 - on seven EPs: «Teacher guidance (postgraduate education, retraining)» (69), «Music Education» (23), «Visual Arts» (24), «Physics» (45), «Special Education (Masters)» (20), «Digital Pedagogy (Masters)» (28), Special Education» (20).
Comments, questions and a number of suggestions from the representatives of pedagogical universities and employers were voiced during the active discussion on the new educational programs.
On the whole, the forum was productive and constructive suggestions for additions to the presented educational programs were made during the breakout sessions.