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Abai University travels across the Abai region

On June 20-25, 2022, the project office «Ruhani zhangyru» and the Institute of Philology completed the educational and cultural expedition «Abay Eline sayahat» for young researchers and teachers of Abai KazNPU.

The educational visit was carried out in accordance with the directions of the state program «Ruhani zhangyru - bolashakka bagdar» «Tugan zher», «sacred geography of Kazakhstan», with the support of the university administration in order to support the State ideas of «New Kazakhstan».» The event was organized to strengthen spiritual and cultural cooperation with the educational and cultural centers of the Abay region, as well as to get acquainted with the work of the great poet, genius of the Kazakh mind, Hakim Abay Kunanbayev.

The purpose of this expedition is to strengthen the spiritual knowledge and search for enlightenment of the younger generation, to adapt them to their specialization, to promote the deep history of the region. In addition, there was the establishment of mutual modern educational and cultural cooperation of interregional education, the exchange of production and methodological experience in the educational content of state programs, increasing the intellectual and spiritual potential of young professionals, contributing to the development of the spiritual movement in the direction of mutual local history and personal studies.

More than forty participants of Abai KazNPU got acquainted with the cultural and spiritual centers of Abay region, Semey, the state historical, cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abay district «Zhidebay-Borili», where they got acquainted with the history of the local region and got acquainted with the sacred spiritual values.

This was announced by the organizing representative of the educational and cultural expedition «Abay Eline sayahat» Yermukhan Nurman:
The educational and cultural expedition «Abay Eline sayahat « was conducted in the directions of Abay region, Semey, Borili-Zhidebay region. The expedition, which lasted five days, organized an official meeting with Shakerim University, visited the state historical, cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum «Zhidebay-Borili», the historical and Cultural Reserve «Zhidebay», the ethno-historical complex of Borili Mukhtar Auezov, the Enlik-Kebek complex, The Museum of Alash arys-Mukhtar Auezov and the Regional Museum of local lore. In particular, the state historical, cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abai «Zhidebay-Borili» was particularly impressive. It is one of the largest museums in Kazakhstan. The museum was founded in 1940. Today, the pride of the country is the spiritual Horde, which unites 8 museums dedicated to the unique personalities of the Kazakh people, located in Semipalatinsk and Abay and Urdzhar districts of East Kazakhstan region.

The museum has more than 21 thousand historical exhibits, and the Scientific Library has more than 16 thousand publications. The most valuable and significant of them are located in the museum`s expositions.

In fact, during the five-day trip, we had a lot of spiritual development and interest. In order to preserve the National Code, the wisdom of our great-grandfather Abai, The Voice of our ancestors from the depths of centuries, in short, the national spirit must remain forever in passing on our traditions, language, art, literature and rituals to future generations.

I think that in the near future, the event will be held in other localities, which is aimed at popularizing and popularizing the sacred places and historical figures of the local region among young people,» he said.

At the end of the visit, representatives of the University expressed their gratitude and wished success to the researchers of the museum, who actively promote the noble heritage of the Giants.

Also, letters of Thanks were presented to the chairman of the board-Rector of Abai Kaznpu Darkhan Bilyalov, deputy akim of Semey Sadyrbayev Aidar Serikkazievich, head of the Department of Culture and language development of Semey Akkozhina Nazerke Maulitovna, Chairman of the board - Rector of Shakarim University Yerdembekov Bauyrzhan Amankeldinovich and heads of the student house Alimbekova Makysh Slyamkanovna and Toleukanov Aidos Abylgazievich for supporting this expedition.

















