02.06.2022 Educational practice at the Institute of Combustion Problems
On June 1, 2022, 2nd year students of specialty «6B05301-Chemistry», group of EP «Chemistry» Institute of Natural sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU in the academic practice got acquainted with research work conducted at the Combustion Problems Institute of NAS RK. This allowed them to apply the knowledge gained at the university and improve their skills to work in the laboratory as future researchers.
The aim is to produce new valuable substances, materials and compositions based on the combustion process. This research institute produces refractory materials Fournon for furnace masonry, welding electrodes, pigments and paints for construction works, carbon sorbents for waste water treatment, acid-proof materials, fluxes and charges for welding electrode coatings, filler polymers for parts and products, refractory polymers for anti-corrosion coating Birlik-M, household fuel briquettes. Since its foundation the institute has been self-financed. Every year a scientific collection is published, which describes the results of research carried out by the staff of the institute. The laboratory staff presented their directions to the students and explained the progress of current work.