XIV Republican Online Subject Olympiad for Students
On May 17, 2022 the results of the XIV Republican Student Subject Online Olympiad on the educational programme «6B02203 (5B020300)-History», held in Nur-Sultan, Gumilev Eurasian National University were announced. The event was held in honour of the 110th anniversary of the birth of L.N.Gumilyov.
A team of students of the Department of World History of the Institute of History and Law «Tarikh Tarlandary» took part in the Olympiad, these are 2nd year students of the specialty «6B02203 (5B020300) -History»: Zhapar Aisaule Abdullaevna, Kappar Imanzhan Khamzeevich, 3rd year students Kuldarbek Nurzhan Zhanzakovich, Norgashimov Bakhtjon Baurzhanoglu, under the guidance-candidate of historical sciences professor Zhumagulov B.S. and master teacher Sbanbayeva A.E.
The purpose of the online subject Olympiad, which consisted of four rounds: disclosure of creative abilities, selection and support of the most talented and gifted students; assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of students; involvement of students and young scientists in solving scientific problems of our time; development of interest in scientific activity.
Congratulations to the guidance - candidate of historical sciences professor Zhumagulov Bolat Sagidollaevich, master teacher Sbanbayeva Aigerim Elibovna and students-participants!