Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertation for the award of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, a doctor with a profile of specialty 6D011800 - Russian language and literature defending at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University dissertation defense for the degree of PhD Kuatova Gulzira Abibukirovna on the theme «Representation of the futural semantics in modern Russian language (on material of postmodern literary)» on specialty «6D011800 - Russian language and literature».
Aleksander Kiklewicz - professor, doctor of Philology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.
Reviewers: Kabdolova Karlygash - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor AbylayKhan KazUIRandWL (specialty - 13.00.02.) Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Video from the dissertation defense Order for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)