14.04.2022 Game for the Rector`s Cup prize
On April 13, 2022 within the Student Spring Festival «STUDENTS SPRING» the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy of Abai KazNPU and the City Department of Youth Affairs conducted the game «Zhaidarman» for the «Rector`s Cup» among Almaty universities. The event consisted of two stages: the first was a greeting, the second was a question and answer game.
The opening of the game began with a welcoming speech by Darhan Bilyalov, Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU. He wished participants creativity, cheerful mood and victory.
The jury consisted of Vice-Rector for Social Development Shyngys Nurlanov, Director of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy Didarbek Dildabek, actor, blogger, zhaydarmanshi Medet Zhanabay, Director of the Almaty branch of the KVN Union of Kazakhstan Ondasyn Kulymbetov, Chairman of the party Amanat. Almaty, youth wing «Jas Otan» Akezhan Kenesov.
16 teams actively participated in the game. 1st place won the team «Ozinnen kor», 2nd - «ATU Mini», 3rd place - «Crash». Competition was very interesting and exciting. The winners will be solemnly awarded at the closing ceremony of the «STUDENTS SPRING» student spring festival.