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«Open Day» specialty «Social Sciences (Psychology)»

On April 12, 2022, an «Open Day» was held, organized by the Department of Professional Training of the Educational Program «Social Sciences (Psychology)» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU. Students of grades 10-11 of Almaty city schools, psychologists, university graduates, specialists in the field of practical psychology were invited to this event. Professors, teachers of the Educational program «Social Sciences (Psychology)», in particular Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Satova A.K., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate Professor Tapalova O.B., head of the Educational Program «Social Sciences (Psychology)» associate Professor, PhD Nietbaeva G.B. spoke about specialty of a psychologist, about the directions of study at the university.

Also, the teacher Sadykova A.B. conducted psychological training with students in order to increase their interest in the specialty of a psychologist. Also, our graduates of different years spoke at this event: Tokbai Alina Ermukashevna - psychologist of the higher medical college; Musabekova Dinara Bakytkyzy - psychologist No. 56 of the gymnasium school; Zhaparov Eldar Zhanatovich - psychologist of the psychological assistance service of Abai KazNPU; Kasymzhanuly Yerlan is an actor, director, producer.

They told students about the university, about interesting moments in the learning process, answered students` questions.

A special guest at the Open House was the famous singer Yernar Aidar.